Yi case split
I’ve been hacking on the Yi text editor a bit recently. I’m an emacs user day-to-day, hour-to-hour (see my emacs.d) but as a Haskeller, ELisp nothing short of disgusts me and its age doesn’t really help. Ideally I’d like to write extensions in Haskell and it just happens that Yi lets you do that: you get to have proper dependency management through Cabal and you can use all the Haskell libs that you can think of.
I’m also a rather big fan of Agda’s case-split. If you don’t know what it is, you’re missing out. It allows you to point your editor at a variable and have it split on the structure base on its type.
For a quick Haskell example:
Note that I’m using ‘?’ to denote a hole. In fact, in GHC 7.8 we’re getting a similar concept, TypeHoles, denoted with an underscore.
In any case, in Agda we can simply point emacs at ‘x’ and ask it to split. Suddenly, almost like magic, we get
data Foo a b = FooA a | FooB b
someFunc :: Foo a b -> Either a b
someFunc (FooA x) = ?
someFunc (FooB x) = ?
(In fact in Agda we can go step further and ask Agda to solve it all for us which would fill in the reasonable definition in place of the holes)
This is extremely convenient and something I always wanted in Haskell. While we can’t reach the same level of underlying magic in Haskell (we don’t know as much about the types and Agda can do great things like prove patterns impossible on the fly), we can try to imitate. So when today I finally sat down to implement it in my emacs, I decided to do it in Haskell and use it in Yi instead. Below is a very preliminary result of a night of sweating and swearing:

Apologies for the poor quality, I struggled to record this.
Why am I posting about this anyway? Is it because I’m hoping to get some attention to Yi? Certainly! It’s mostly undocumented with age-old code and archaic module structure but this is precisely why there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit.
<maybefbi> Fuuzetsu: Gotta install yi I guess
Oh, I suppose it worked!
It’s certainly possible to get Yi to the point where it’s very usable or even better than your current editor. The downside is that the wealth of existing modes for other editors is not available but the huge upside is that they can now be written in Haskell.
The case-split code is not on Hackage yet, it won’t be for another few days. If you’re really eager to try it, you can find it in this GitHub project but I highly advise against this.
The colour scheme used (safe for the weird blue overlay which comes from somewhere in the conversion to .gif) is a port of monokai colour scheme, available on Hackage or on my GitHub. You can see the usage in my Yi config.
PS: While it might look great, it has only been a night of fighting with Cabal packages, ghc-mod and lack of documentation so it is very fragile and the code is disgusting. For example, it will blindly insert variables so it’s perfectly possible to end up with name clashes. It will also try to split on anything it can get a type of, no matter where in the code it is and such. There are many problems but I think they aren’t very difficult to address. Perhaps tomorrow it will work much better.
PPS: If you want to see some magical features, use Agda-mode in emacs for a bit.